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I have a degree and PhD in Geology (Complutense University of Madrid, thesis entitled "Volcanoestratigraphy, composition and evolution of the Underwater Volcanic Buildings of La Gomera", 2008, Extraordinary Doctorate Award). I have participated in 15 research projects focused on the study of the composition, growth, deformation and evolution of volcanic buildings, mainly in the Canary Islands, combining and integrating various research methodologies (cartography, structural geology, petrology, geochemistry, geodesy, modelling..). I also research in Hydrogeology of volcanic aquifers. I have supervised two Doctoral Thesis, two Master's Thesis projects and, at least, 13 Degree Projects. My research activity has been developed in parallel to my management tasks (Academic Secretary and Deputy Director of Quality and Accreditation of the ESCET, and Academic Director of the Quality Unit of the Vice Chancellor for Quality, Ethics and Good Governance) and teachers in the URJC since 2003.


Ubide, T., Márquez, A., Ancochea, E., Huertas, M. J., Herrera, R., Coello-Bravo, J. J., Sanz-Mangas, D., Mulder, J. A., MacDonald, A., Galindo, I. (2023) Discrete magma injections drive the 2021 La Palma eruption. Science Advances, 9(27)

Rincón, M., Márquez, Á., Herrera, R., Martín-González, F., López, I., Crespo-Martín, C. (2023) Morpho-structural criteria for the identification of spreading-induced deformation processes potentially compromising stratovolcano stability. Bulletin of Volcanology. 85(3): 17.

Rincón, M., Márquez, A., Herrera, R., Galland, O., Sánchez-Oro, J., Concha, D., Montemayor, A.S. (2022). Monitoring Volcanic and Tectonic Sandbox Analogue Models using the Kinect v2 Sensor. Earth and Space Science, 9(6).

Coello, J.J., Márquez, A, Herrera, R., Huertas, M.J., Ancochea, E. (2020). Multiple related flank collapses on volcanic oceanic islands: Evidence from the debris avalanche deposits in the Orotava Valley water galleries (Tenerife, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Letters: 401.


Márquez A., Herrera R., Izquierdo T., Martín-González F., López I., Martín-Velázquez S. (2018). The dyke swarms of the Old Volcanic Edifice of La Gomera (Canary Islands): Implications for the origin and evolution of volcanic rifts in oceanic island volcanoes. Global and Planetary Change. 171: 255-272.


Rincón M., Márquez A., Herrera R., Alonso-Torres A., Granja-Bruña J.L., Van Wyk de Vries B. (2018). Contrasting catastrophic eruptions predicted by different intrusion and collapse scenarios. Scientific Reports. 8 (1): 6178.


van Wyk de Vries, B., Márquez, A., Herrera, R., Granja, J.L., Llanes, P., Delcamp, A. (2014). Craters of Elevation Revisited: Forced-folds, Bulging and Uplift of Volcanoes. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76: 875.


Llanes, P., Herrera, R., Gómez, M., Muñoz, A., Acosta, J., Uchupi, E., Smith, D. (2009). Geological evolution of the volcanic island La Gomera, Canary Islands, from analysis of its geomorphology. Marine Geology. 264 (3-4): 123-139.


Márquez, A., López, I., Herrera, R., Martín-González, F., Izquierdo, T., Carreño, F. (2008). Spreading and potential instability of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands Geophysical Research Letters.

Ancochea, E., Brändle, J.L., Huertas, M.J., Hernán, F., Herrera, R. (2008). Dike-swarms, key to the reconstruction of major volcanic edifices: the basic dikes of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Letters. 173: 207-216.

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